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On a sunny midsummer evening we met at the Rhine for our tradition "Rheinschwimmen". This year the Basel Tattoo was entertaining us well with thousands of other spectators On a sunny midsummer evening we met at the Rhine for our tradition "Rheinschwimmen". This year the Basel Tattoo was entertaining us well with thousands of other spectators

Like last year, the Rotaract Club Basel organised a hands-on project in which members of our Rotary Club Basel International and the Rotary Club Basel Dreiländereck took part.We helped the Walker family to cut down bark beetle infested trees and clean up the forest in beautiful weather. What a per ... Like last year, the Rotaract Club Basel organised a hands-on project in which members of our Rotary Club Basel International and the Rotary Club Basel Dreiländereck took part.We helped the Walker family to cut

On this page you will find frequently asked questions and answers about Polaris. It i...

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