rc3.org - rc3.org – Strong opinions, weakly held

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In 2013, I wrote a post on how continuous deployment helps developers avoid getting stuck . Figuring out that you’re stuck and how to get unstuck is probably the single most important thing you can do as a developer to improve your own productivity.

Friend of the blog Camille Fournier just published a post on the same topic that I really enjoyed – How Do Individual Contributors Get Stuck? A Primer – in which she lists some common ways people get stuck. I have gotten stuck in all these ways at one time or another. She also observes that helping people understand how and when they get stuck is one of the most useful forms of feedback you can give.

What I’d add is that this ability falls under the general category of coaching. Anyone who would aspire to be a good leader (as a manager or individual contributor) would benefit from building theirt coaching skills. Coaching is more than just helping people, and it isn’t applicable to every problem. When somebody is stuck and they’re super stressed because they are on deadline, it’s probably not a great time for coaching. Just get them unstuck and save the coaching for a more appropriate time.

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