rbmcollaboration.group - Level Up Collaboration Group

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One of the unique things about our eXp Revenue Share Group (RSG) is that we have our own Collaboration Group and corresponding Facebook Group. As members of the same RSG we all have a vested interest in each other’s success and it is our firm belief that together we can improve our businesses and increase our success within the modern eXp model.  By joining eXp as part of our RSG you can benefit from the wide-array of experience, knowledge, and insights that our group has to offer.

Of course, joining our RSG under eXp Realty not only gives you those benefits but all the value add of eXp.  As you may already be aware eXp is a modern, cloud-based real estate firm that shuns the traditional brokerage and franchise model for a more flexible and tech focused approach (along with being more profitable).  You can practice real estate anywhere and have an office anywhere you want (or no office at all). eXp also has changed the game with regard to agent compensation.  In addition to the tradit

A common concern among agents used to an office is support.  At eXp you have more support than you could ever get from a local office, not just phone and email support (which eXp has too).  There are numerous facebook workplace groups and there are several facebook groups in our upline (including our own). Also, there are two conferences a year each with tons of training and opportunity to interact with eXp staff and agents for all your questions. Here are the links to the videos for the latest conferences:

Links to rbmcollaboration.group (4)