raygunsue.org - 马鞍山瘟滔教育咨询有限公司

Example domain paragraphs

Bienvenue and how-do-you- do , you've found me times — which is to say you've found RAYGUNSUE dot organization, a site by me , an irritating narrator and halfwit designer named Sophia . It's called a collective because I collect things that I've made here; it's called the Puer Aeturnus Organization because I've got lofty aspirations that I hope to make a reality.

“ And you collect what , exactly? ” Fansites of my own devising, making me a fortiori a fan . If you've never seen such a place, get to the bottom of the page and deep-dive; there's a whole world of hobbyist webdesign as an act of love. ♥

Technically I registered this domain in late 2014, then paid a hundred dollars a year to do nothing with it on GoDaddy . (I've since transferred everything to Dreamhost .) The name, “ raygunsue ” , is one of my default usernames, along with “ friedectoplasm ” and “ quidprocrow. ” The last I stole from Kay Ryan's poetry, the second I stole from the Descendants, but Ray Gun Sue is my own cheap devising. I know it's used furniture , but having grown up on a rural Pennsylvania horse farm while wanting desperate

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