ravingsofamadwoman.com - Home - Ravings of a Mad Woman

Description: A small speck on the windshield of the world, my own personal blood stain from the impact that life has left on me.

life (7946) love (6779) poetry (4177) pain (2382) hope (1649) wisdom (523) humanity (272) anguish (114) lost love (4)

Example domain paragraphs

From A Simple Pen

She lived her life in poetry she was the only one who knew loudly laughing in limerick whispering wonders with haiku She sowed her thoughts in poetry planted gardens with the pain animated amalgamation of alliteration watered wept tears metaphorical rain She danced her dreams in poetry twirling adonically to and fro each step with feet iambic an avante garde promenade of prose She dined on feasts of poetry an entree of macaronic verse ambrosia mixed phonectically with a poetasters dirge She found her love i
