rauceciancelosia.art - J.S. Humphreys – Master of non-sense.

Description: Master of non-sense.

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Home Blog Travel & Culture White Paper: Brand Building Through Storytelling Blog Posts Professional Articles The Edge of Meaning Shop About Me Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Instagram Blog Pushing the Edge of Meaning It’s that time of year we think of the bad habits and resolutions. I know the problems I have to face; it will always be a plight and the devil to wrestle. My resolutions have nothing to do with redundant problems. I come back to repeatedly. Instead, I am coming looking over the hilltops to…

Innovation is often a fool’s gambit, hence the large rate of startups that fail. It’s a long walk in a graveyard before we may even see potential. I’d like to add my perspective here, as a non-technical personality outside of the start-up world. When I do a 30,000-foot view of how the world has shaped and…

The journey is a deep awe of both isolation, pure creation, the fog that floats above the waters, where the flower of life grows into the springs of our lives. Whether we know it or not. The ambition to become an author is not as pragmatic as building a start-up or becoming a warrior. It’s…

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