ratsofrass.com - Ratsofrass | Ralph's Words on the internet, about the internet, and whatever else I feel like talking about

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Palm Springs has unexpected walls

From the Salton Sea, it was time for me to head north, back to the land of cold white stuff. My allowed time in the States was coming to an end and I needed to be north regardless of what the weather might be. The first stop on the way north was a fairly short hop as I was not in a hurry yet to get back into colder climes. I might as well enjoy the pleasant early spring warmth as much as possible before heading back into early spring snow and chill of late March. Where better to enjoy the weather than Palm

Living in Slab City is free, like boondocking, in both senses. But like boondocking, it doesn’t quite fit in with regular society. The normal expectations and rules don’t apply here. Perhaps that is why we nomads all come to visit The Slabs at some point; there is an attraction to a kindred spirit lifestyle.  As I mentioned in my last post, while I was at Bombay Beach, I took the Grom motorcycle over to Slab City for a little tour. Actually, I visited The Slabs a second time hitching a ride with friends a c