ras-iq.com - RAYAT ALSHARQ Company – Inspection Services – General Trading

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RAYAT ALSHARQ Co. presents the most comprehensive list of the Top Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) in Iraq. The oil and gas industry operate on a challenging and harsh landscape and thus, inspection assumes the center-stage for the safe and efficient functioning of the equipment. NDT provides effective strategies and solutions for inspection and at the same time, it is a high cost and time efficient technology.

RAYAT ALSHARQ Co.  has extensive experience in logistic around Iraq. We have dedicated and experienced professionals to ensure that we deliver superior service and innovative solution.

RAYAT ALSHARQ Co.  is a provider of maintenance services to Oil & Gas industries. Our maintenance services include Plant maintenance, planning/scheduling, Operation Supports, Spares Parts, Insulation, Cleaning, Sand/ Grit Blasting, Coating, Craft personnel and supervision, small capital Project design & Construction.