raonikitha.github.io - About me - Nikitha Rao

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PhD Student at Carnegie Mellon University

I am a PhD student at the Software and Societal Systems Department (formerly known as the Institute for Software Research), School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University where I am adviced by Prof. Vincent Hellendoorn and Prof. Claire Le Goues . My research interests include Large Language Models for Code and Machine Learning for Software Engineering.

Previously, I spent two years as a Research Fellow at Microsoft Research Lab - India where I was fortunate to work with Chetan Bansal on using Machine Learning techniques to aid the Software Developement process. I have also had the opportunity to collaborate with Dr. Sreangsu Acharyya, Dr. Subho Mukherjee , Dr. Nachi Nagappan and Dr. Tom Zimmermann on several projects.

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