ramyatekumalla.com - Ramya Tekumalla

Example domain paragraphs

I am a data scientist interested in mining large unstructured data sources and curate data sources specific to a domain. I adopt methods from machine learning, statistics, natural language and inference analysis to gather data and generate insights. I have mined over 16 billion Tweets for NLP tasks to gain insights for several applications like pharmacovigilance and most recently, characterizing the COVID-19 pandemic. Apart from technical skills, I have strong communication, writing and management skills. 

I am a scientist interested in mining large unstructured data sources and curate data sources specific to a domain. I adopt methods from machine learning, statistics, natural language and inference analysis to gather data and generate insights. I have mined over 16 billion Tweets for NLP tasks to gain insights for several applications like pharmacovigilance and most recently, characterizing the COVID-19 pandemic. Apart from technical skills, I have strong communication, writing and management skills.