ralphdonaldjessee.com - RDJ Blog

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--- !ruby/object:ActionController::Parameters parameters: !ruby/hash:ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess controller: welcome action: welcome permitted: false What is this? When you select this checkbox, we'll put an encrypted cookie on your browser so that you don't have to log-in again when you return to ralphdonaldjessee.com, even if you close your browser. Don't worry, you can log out at anytime to delete this cookie . Ralph 'Don' Jessee (September 13th, 1921 - April 3rd, 2016) was born in the mount

Outside the neighborhood dogs were excited and letting everybody know it. Such barking had not been heard since the dogs chased a fox through the nearby woods. “What’s their problem Jack?” asked his wife Sue Lane during a momentary pause in the noise. “Don’t know,” said Jack and he stuck his head out the ...(click to continue reading)

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