rajevv.github.io - Rajeev Verma - PhD Student

Description: Academic Website of Rajeev Verma

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I am a first year PhD student at AMLab / Delta Lab supervised by Eric Nalisnick . Previously, I studied Electrical Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology Patna (IITP) and Artificial Intelligence at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) .

My general research interests are in AI safety and responsible AI, and aim to build systems that are maximally useful to the society with provable guarantees. To this end, I am excited about uncertainty quantification and decision making, human-AI compatibility and complementarity, deferral systems, etc.

I'm an ELLIS PhD student at AMLab / Delta Lab supervised by Eric Nalisnick . Previously, I studied Electrical Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology Patna (IITP) and Artificial Intelligence at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) .

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