raisingsupergirl.com - Raising Super Girl

Description: Andrew Winch is a 30-something husband, sports physical therapist, novelist, magazine editor, Christian, Mizzou Tiger, traveling man, and all around optimistic guy who happens to be raising two little...

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You know how it’s hard to start working out again when you’ve been lazy for a while? Yeah well, apparently when I said I was going to take a few months off from blogging, I underestimated how hard it would be to start back up because three months became an entire year. A year of so much awesomeness left completely undocumented… Oh, the humanity! How could I have let such a thing happen? Well, I guess I was too busy living to write any of it down. But it’s a new year, new me, as they say. And I’m back. I’m n

Want to know what the scariest part about being a blogger? It’s the possibility of people figuring out who I really am. Thankfully, I only have a hundred or so readers in any given month, and I doubt any of you scrutinize over the things I write as much as I do. But as you know, what happens on the Internet stays on the internet. Which means every word I write can potentially be dredged up at any given time. And what I write is bigger than any hidden addiction or past sins. What I write is what’s on my hear

Isn’t this just the BEST time of year? A galvanizing chill in the air. Nonstop Christmas songs on every radio station. United Way bell ringers reminding us that no shopping center entrance will be safe until after the holidays… Nah, just kidding. Giving is great. Don’t you just love that fuzzy feeling you get after donating your hard-earned time and money to bring someone else joy? Oh, you actually do? Well, that’s awesome for you because I definitely don’t. At least… I DIDN’T until fairly recently. Yes, it

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