raggedge.com - Ragged Edge Studio | Community Art Space

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The studio has been humming every Tuesday with  artists from a variety of backgrounds experimenting with printmaking.   So much good work is being made we, we have hung a selection at the Niskayuna Library.

Now that I have transitioned to living the dream, I have time to teach!  Reach out if you would be interested in a class.  Check out this show and you can see the exciting work that students are producing. Jerome Eisenberg Los Angeles  is the CFO and Co-Founder of Gifts for Good. He is a serial entrepreneur, successfully founding a recreation center, a number of coffee kiosks, and a real estate investment firm―rehabilitating urban multi-family housing units at affordable market rents in the L.A. area.

Ragged Edge Printmakers

Links to raggedge.com (1)