radiationburn.net - RadiationBurn | Indie Games Developer

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Nice of you to drop by and welcome to Radiationburn. Have to admit that I’ve been training students and working on the SARIL TTRPG system for the last year. Blame Covid, or all the people who wanted us to make SARIL into a product that people could buy.

I’m sad to say that for this, and other reasons,   The Krucer Parallax  has been indefinitely shelved. We just don’t have the resources. SARIL has exploded and is consuming all of our time. You should probably check it out.  On the bright side, the Krucer Parallax universe will live on as one of the scenarios for SARIL, so you can still enjoy the setting.  We’ll also be leaving the website up, so people can still take part in the social experiment that is picking a team, even if for now, it’s just for fun.

Finally, I can confirm for those who were concerned, “Space Time!” will continue to be developed despite everything, just more slowly for now.

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