radialcapital.com - RCP Invest | Beteiligungsgesellschaft

Description: Unabhängige, international tätige Beteiligungsgesellschaft mit Sitz in München. Focus: Konzerngesellschaften und Unternehmen in Sonder- und Umbruchsituationen

industriedienstleistungen (33) maschinen- und anlagenbau (21) prozessindustrie (20) automobilzulieferindustrie (8) konsumgüterindustrie (6) konzernabspaltungen (2) konzernausgründungen (2) restrukturierungs- bzw. sanierungsbedarf (2) ungelöste nachfolgeregelungen (2)

Example domain paragraphs

- Branch of RCP Group GmbH -

RCP is an investment firm based in Munich. Specializing in transformational environments, we are a trusted partner for larger corporates, entrepreneurs, and various stakeholders all across Europe. We focus on companies and assets with untapped, deep value whose identification and recovery requires a unique skill set, experience, and courage – we don’t shy away from challenges. We embrace them.

We are a private equity firm for alternative investments and act independently, fast and reliable, thoroughly ensuring transaction security at all times. We invest flexible and value-oriented in various asset classes following the individual strategies of our integrated investment platform.