racialtones.com - Racial Undertones in Advertising | RacialTones.com

Description: An examination of racial undertones in advertising and promotional media

diversity in advertising (3) racial undertones in advertising (1) racism in advertising (1) racism in dove ads (1)

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R acism ; oppression based on one's race, skin color, religion, ethnicity, etc., dates back to the early 16th century when White Anglo-Saxon Protestants colonized North America . While non-Whites were being oppressed through reservations, segregation, slavery, unjust imprisonment, murder, etc., White Anglo-Saxon Protestants were granted privileges in voting, education, criminal procedures, laws, etc.

Fast forward 400 years to the advertising industry in the 21st century where racism is still apparent. Social media platforms, such as Twitter and Facebook, have made it easier than ever for people to call out brands when they feel an advertisement has racial undertones. We believe that this problem stems from a lack of diversity and an abundance of insensitivity in advertising agencies, as well as the companies of the brands themselves.

When it is brought to attention that an ad has racial undertones, the company apologizes and contends that the ad did not represent their concepts and intentions. But how can we stop this from happening as frequently as it does and eventually not at all? We hope to bring attention to the urgency of the need for diversity and how lack of diversity divides us, even through advertising. The advertising industry should reflect the increasing support and celebration of diversity and breaking of racial stereotype