rachelbrenke.com - Rachel Brenke – Biz & Legal for Entrepreneurs

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Work With Me Podcast Start Here Thank You – Biz Audit Contact Search Toggle Menu Legal. Biz Strategy. Balance. create a real biz to have a real life. Change begins with a little bit of hard work & a whole lot of give a damn Thousands of entrepreneurs have built their biz with my tools. Let’s create the real biz to achieve the real life you want.

Meet Rachel Your tough-love, no-nonsense business strategist and lawyer. GET TO KNOW RACHEL THE SERVICES Step-by-step biz and legal help FREE BIZ AUDIT Download my exclusive Real Biz Audit workbook to self-audit for business, marketing, legal, balance and more!

BUSINESS COACHING Whether you want ask-all tell-all business strategy coaching or legal help – I have your back!