rachaeltwumasicorson.com - Rachael Twumasi-Corson | African fantasy

Description: Stories and words from Rachael Twumasi-Corson. SFF, afro-futurism and african folk tales. With some real life stories thrown in every now and then.

science fiction (2120) speculative fiction (159) afrofuturism (28) black writer (16)

Example domain paragraphs

Why am I Obsessed with Science-fiction, Fantasy & Afro-Futurism?

Stories are so much more than entertainment. Through stories we find guidance, lessons and comfort. And in imaging other world's, these benefits are heightened. Over the years, I’ve gone from reading other people's words to writing my own. Check out 'Stories' to read some of my science fiction, afro-futurism and fantasy shorts, and watch this space for longer tales... I do a lot of research when I'm writing stories, so I also write a blog about some of the things I'm learning. My procrastination is your gai

Medium articles on Afrocenchix , Working motherhood & Start up life