raceofchampions.com - Race Of Champions | Premier Motorsport Event

Description: The ultimate showdown in motorsports, Race Of Champions (ROC) brings together the very best of the best – from Formula 1 and NASCAR to LeMans, Rally X, MotoGP and IndyCar – for a thrilling head-to-head battle. ROC features a specially designed track that tests drivers' skills in a variety of racing cars seeking out the answer to the one question that truly matters...Who is the fastest of them all? With its fast-paced action, intense competition, and thrilling atmosphere, ROC is a must-see event.

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The Race Of Champions brings together some of the world’s best drivers for a unique head-to-head race in identical cars to see who really is the fastest of them all.

Watch the 2023 ROC Snow + Ice Highlights Clip 2023 TOP SHOTS .comp-kzfikvjj { --wix-color-1: 255,255,255; --wix-color-2: 209,224,235; --wix-color-3: 110,164,202; --wix-color-4: 57,114,155; --wix-color-5: 0,1,3; --wix-color-6: 255,192,170; --wix-color-7: 255,161,128; --wix-color-8: 255,67,0; --wix-color-9: 170,45,0; --wix-color-10: 85,22,0; --wix-color-11: 175,182,208; --wix-color-12: 127,134,161; --wix-color-13: 78,85,113; --wix-color-14: 25,33,66; --wix-color-15: 12,17,33; --wix-color-16: 178,183,211; --wi

25 YEARS OF ROC RACE OF CHAMPIONS: TOWARDS A CARBON NEUTRAL EVENT With a drive to continuously be at the forefront of technology and contribute to the achievements of the Paris Agreement and UN Sustainable Development Goals, ROC is not only working towards a carbon neutral operation but also taking a holistic approach by focusing on three areas to prioritize sustainability.

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