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Before buying Instagram followers, it’s important to know that it is against the terms of service. It can also raise a red flag with the social network. Hence, you need to be cautious when buying followers and it’s best to take the process slowly before finalizing the deal. You should also know that the cost of buying Instagram followers varies depending on the plan that you choose. It is not cheap though. Buying instagram followers is against Instagram’s terms of service

Instagram recently updated its terms of service, removing inauthentic accounts and third-party apps that sell likes, comments, and followers. Purchasing followers is illegal and may result in your account being suspended. Instagram wants to ensure that you have a positive and enjoyable experience on its platform. Therefore, it will actively work to ensure you do not engage in this type of activity.

Buying Instagram followers has many downsides, starting with the fact that you’re purchasing a number and not an actual person. Moreover, buying fake followers is against Instagram’s TOS and doesn’t guarantee engagement. Buying Instagram followers also exposes your account to bots and scammers. These accounts will not interact with your posts or engage with your comments, so you’ll be placing yourself at risk of being flagged as a spammer.