rabbinicvoice.org - Rabbinic Voice - Central Conference of American Rabbis

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Reform rabbis are at the forefront of the Jewish experience, working directly with hundreds of thousands of individuals to build a stronger and richer Jewish community. Reform rabbis integrate a Jewish dimension into contemporary life, providing an authentically Jewish voice, teaching Jewish values and traditions, and shaping the future. Since its founding in 1889, the Central Conference of American Rabbis has produced formal and informal statements that interpret the voice of prophetic Judaism, and that go

Below are the many ways you can read CCAR and Reform rabbis’ responsa, resolutions, platforms, statements, published books and journals, and more ways that Reform rabbis share their voice and their viewpoints.

This collection of original stories by Rabbi Zoë Klein invites readers on a magical, mystical journey. Each story highlights an essential aspect of living a meaningful Jewish life.