quoadultra.net - Richard the Third

Description: A web site devoted to history and literature.

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Let us sit upon the ground and tell sad stories of the death of kings . . . JUST PUBLISHED - Death at Hagminster Hall A Murder Story

Click here for pictures illustrating aspects of The Doom Assigned where King Richard III wins the Battle of Bosworth Bookshop. All these books can be previewed by clicking on the "Look Inside" icon on the Amazon site. Death at Hagminster Hall - A Murder Story Westminster Bones On Summer Seas (Book 1 Laurence the Armourer). A Wilderness of Sea (Book 2 Laurence the Armourer) The Roaring Tide (Book 3 Laurence the Armourer) The Doom Assigned (Richard III In Victory) Who Wrote Marlowe? The Death and Life of Chri

All books are available for download in the Kindle store or in paperback. If you do not have a Kindle, download free Kindle App's from the Amazon shop. There are app's for ipad, tablets, iphone and Mac. Westminster Bones Investigations into the mystery of the skeletal remains found at the Tower of London in 1674 and immediately pronounced as being the Princes in the Tower have been hampered by a singular concentration on the drama of a medieval murder story. If the Westminster Bones are the objects of an el