quiqui.org - Linda Quiquivix

Description: Read aloud of Zapatista communique "The Common and Non-Property" My name is Linda Quiquivix, oxib' ajmaq, and I make art, love books, translate, and write while organizing intercommunally for a world where many worlds fit.   My task in community is to feel-think together about our liberation movements across struggles, calendars, ways, and geographies. Of…

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Art Maps Sketches DigiArte Word Letters to the 6th Publications Translations Public Talks Podcasts About Contact Privacy Policy Letters to the Sixth Compa Canek, Our problem is power. Our problem is still power. Since our movements in the 60s and 70s, two generations ago, we got Power, we got some Power, not a lot, but some. And we thought we knew what power was. Maybe we thought we knew how to handle it… 

Leaving Oventic, I stand on the side of the road praying for an empty seat in a colectivo (servis) heading back to San Cristobal. One pulls up. It’s the same driver, Antonio, on his way back from Bochil. “You weren’t very long,” he says, offering me the front middle seat. “Te oyut!” I remember to greet him. He smiles approvingly and calls me smart. I frown, knowing I will leave him with the misguided impression I pick up languages easily..

Roberto’s been telling us we need to know Granada if we want to understand 1492. It’s still early August, a week before the 13th, and so it’s Granada I will see first. I come alone. I will regret it, here without assurances I’ll be kept sane. Only two blocks in, a Catholic church gets in […]

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