- Questionology: The Powerful Science of Great Questions - Charles Levin

Description: Why are good questions so fascinating? Because they have the power to change you. Your subconscious auto-engages and tries to answer questions. Read more.

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Why do I find good questions so powerful and fascinating? Makes sense to start a blog about questions with a question, right? It’s because of what just happened in your brain when you read those first two sentences. You may not realize it consciously, but your subconscious automatically engages to try to answer those questions. You can’t help it. So your brain tried, but could not answer the first question, since you don’t know me and why I find anything fascinating.

To the second question, you probably answered subconsciously Yes, because you had all the information you needed to answer. So the first question is still a bit of a puzzle for you, maybe makes you even a little uneasy, but hopefully makes you want to read further. The second question is maybe a bit more satisfying because you could answer it, but already your subconscious has detected a pattern and is beginning to surmise what this blog post is about. Questionology.