quejas-risdon.com - Home - Ronald Quejas-Risdon

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I believe that by understanding and helping others I am making the world a better place.   It has been my desire to experience living in other cultures while getting to know people on a personal level.  Along the way I discovered that what we share as humans far outweighs our differences; an optimistic view that is greatly challenged by current events and the changing political climate.  This continues to be a driving force in my life, my travels and writing.

I have two passions in life.  I love to travel and to document what I see through my photographs and writing.  You can sample both by going to the blog link above.  I have other interests including family, cooking (for myself, would never subject others to that) music, art, social justice to name a few.

I wrote a memoir based on my life, travels, close calls and insights gained along the way.   I invite you to go to the book page above to learn more.