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I love candles. Love them, can’t get enough, at the end of a long day I love to come home and light a few up, it helps set the transition from day into night and they just feel so dang cozy.

The one small thing about Candle’s is that I can be particular about smells, some scents will give me headaches, so I am careful with what scents I purchase. So when my best friend, who lives in Columbus, first told me about the candle lab I was intrigued!

The candle lab allows you to design and create your own candle. It starts by taking a leisurly stroll around the shop to smell all the different scents. This is my favorite part because it’s really about what you like. Frankly there aren’t a lot of moments in life that are just about what you like, which makes this part so fun. Also they have so much to smell! Olive oil was my surprise fave!