quantar.com - Quantar Technology microchannel plate (MCP)/ resistive anode encoder (RAE) based, position sensitive, scientific imaging detecto

Description: charged-particle imaging and spectroscopy, 1D / 2D X-Y imaging systems and data acquisition

position sensitive detector (5) scientific detector (1) scientific imaging detector (1) low noise detector (1) single event counting detector (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Quantar Technology Incorporated - Worldwide supplier of state-of-the-art measurement solutions for science and industry - designs, manufactures and markets specialized test and measurement instruments and serves the worldwide scientific research and analytical instrument markets in field such as physics, chemistry, electrical engineering, medicine/biology and materials science. Our primary customers include universities, corporate research, national laboratories and OEM equipment manufacturers. Nearly half


Quantar offers a family of unique, single-event-counting, scientific imaging detector systems for photon and charged particle (electron, ion) imaging and spectroscopy. These position sensitive detector systems are among the most sensitive, lowest noise detectors available and are used in a wide range of applications including specialized astronomy, electron and ion spectroscopy and imaging, mass spectrometry, and optical spectroscopy and imaging.