quadfolium.com - German Deep Tech Group

Description: We are German Deep Tech. We are not a typical VC or incubator. We discover and nurture Deep Tech. We invite you to contribute to our mission.

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We are living in the dawn of the age of deep tech. The German Deep Tech Group is on a mission to bring the incredible potential of deep tech into the practical world. In this context, the German Deep Tech Institute combines research from data & IT systems engineering, deep tech entrepreneurship and investment with industrial enterprises.

Seerene’s Digital Boardroom is a software process mining technology that analyzes and visualizes software development processes. It turns your organization into a well-oiled machine, delivering software efficiently, cost-effectively, quickly, and with the highest quality.

Point Cloud Technology offers solutions for big data analytics on 3D point clouds based on machine learning. Their solutions represent a game-changing technology for physical assets, sites, and environments, delivering actionable insights from terabytes of spatial data.