qjseg.ir - Journal of Structural Engineering and Geo-Techniques

Description: Journal of the Structural Engineering and Geotechnics (JSEG), aims to provide a unique forum for the publication of original research on structural engineering and geotechnics. The papers are expected to make a significant contribution to the development activities in both academic and professional engineering community. All of the received papers will peer reviewed by the professional advisory editors. The accepted papers will publish in accordance with the Journal policies. The scope of the journal encomp

structural engineering (364) industrial facilities (10) journal of structural engineering and geo-techniques (1) jseg (1)

Example domain paragraphs



Journal of the Structural Engineering and Geotechnics (JSEG), aims to provide a unique forum for the publication of original research on structural engineering and geotechnics. The papers are expected to make a significant contribution to the development activities in both academic and professional engineering community. All of the received papers will peer reviewed by the professional advisory editors. The accepted papers will publish in accordance with the Journal policies. The scope of the journal encomp