qetlab.com - QETLAB

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QETLAB ( Q uantum E ntanglement T heory LAB oratory) is a MATLAB toolbox for exploring quantum entanglement theory. While there are many quantum information theory toolboxes that allow the user to perform basic operations such as the partial transposition , new tests are constantly discovered. The goal of QETLAB is to remain up-to-date and contain an ever-growing catalogue of separability criteria, positive maps, and related functions of interest. Furthermore, QETLAB is designed to work well both with full

The heart of QETLAB is a suite of functions that make working with quantum entanglement quick and easy. Working with pure state entanglement is a breeze, as demonstrated by the following code snippet, which generates a random pure state (according to uniform spherical measure/Haar measure) and computes its Schmidt decomposition: >> d = 3; % this example will be in 3 \otimes 3 dimensions >> phi = RandomStateVector (d^2); >> [s,a,b] = SchmidtDecomposition (phi) s = 0.9159 0.3951 0.0709 a = -0.8062 -0.5411 0.2

We could verify that this Schmidt decomposition is correct as follows:

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