- Joey Day

Description: Hi, I’m Joey. I’m a 40-something software engineer (read: big nerd) in Salt Lake City. When I grow up I’d like to be a seminary professor (read: even bigger ...

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Hi, I’m Joey. I’m a 40-something software engineer (read: big nerd) in Salt Lake City. When I grow up I’d like to be a seminary professor (read: even bigger nerd).

I just read something I wrote in 2011 the day after Siri was announced as a feature of iPhone 4S. Unfortunately it was little more than a regurgitation of Apple’s own marketing copy and I regret not having written more of my own serious thoughts and feelings about what the future might hold for conversational AI. I’m a bit late to the party, but this week I’ve been trying out ChatGPT and don’t want to miss the same opportunity to document my reaction in real-time.

GPT stands for generative pre-trained transformer. It’s an artificial intelligence model developed by OpenAI to produce human-like language. The first iteration was InstructGPT, a tool used to create “coherent and appropriate step-by-step instructions for a given task”. ChatGPT builds on InstructGPT by having the ability to carry on an interactive conversation and react to questions, sometimes even with questions of its own. And it writes! It can write poetry, essays, short stories, and even code in a surpr