- Lerner Python | Bootcamp Landing

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Want a new, better career? One that pays well, whose skills are always and in demand, and which will let you work on projects that you care about? Companies around the world are desperate for people who can analyze data — sales data, testing data, sensor data, accounting data, and even security data. The list is pretty much endless, as is the demand. The programming language that they’re using for their analysis? Python. I want you to get one of those jobs, boosting your income and increasing your job satis

It’s easy to sit through a class, nod in agreement as the teacher speaks, and believe that you’ve learned something. But until you’re forced to use what you’ve learned, you don’t know what you really learned — and until you encounter some frustration and resistance, it won’t sink in. That’s why every topic in PythonDAB includes exercises that force you to put what you’ve learned into practice.

The exercises are drawn from my nearly 30 years teaching at some of the world’s biggest and best-known companies. They’ll frustrate you, and push you to your limits — but they’ll also help you to gain fluency and understanding, making it easier to use those techniques when you need them in your day-to-day work.