- Python Software Foundation News

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  News from the Python Software Foundation

A profiler is a tool that can monitor a program as it is running. Once the program has run, the profiler can provide a report analysing which lines of code were visited most often, which were the most expensive in terms of time spent, and which were the most expensive in terms of memory usage. Profilers can therefore be hugely useful tools for addressing performance issues in code. If you’re unsure where your program is spending most of its time, it can be hard to optimise it.

Profilers can be split into two broad categories: trace-based profilers and sampling-based profilers. Trace-based profilers work by intercepting each function call as your program is running and logging information about the time spent, memory usage, etc. Sampling-based profilers, meanwhile, take snapshots of your program at periodic intervals to monitor these things. A trace-based profiler has the advantage that it can provide a granular and precise level of detail about which lines of code were executed a