- Pybald — Pybald 0.5.1 documentation

Example domain paragraphs


Pybald is an MVC style web framework written in Python . It is inspired by work done by Ian Bicking , and builds upon the concepts presented in Another do-it-yourself framework . It also takes some design inspiration from Ruby on Rails , Django , and Flask .

import pybald from pybald import context from pybald.core.controllers import Controller , action from pybald.core.router import Router # configure our pybald application pybald . configure ( default = True ) def map ( urls ): urls . connect ( 'home' , r '/' , controller = 'home' ) class HomeController ( Controller ): @action def index ( self , req ): return "Hello!" app = Router ( routes = map , controllers = [ HomeController ]) if __name__ == "__main__" : context . start ( app ) This mini application illus