pushbeyondlimits.com - Self-Defense & Yoga | Moreno Valley | P.U.S.H. Self-Defense & Yoga

Description: Martial Arts and Yoga in Moreno Valley. Call us today at 951-623-6728.

martial arts (3025) aikido (1323) krav maga (608) muay thai (545) kali (304) hapkido (254) silat (60) sambo (57) rape prevention (13) shootfighting (2)

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P.U.S.H. is an acronym for Peace Using Stress Healing. The name was drawn from the many similarities or shared benefits of the martial arts and yoga. One of those shared benefits is stress reduction. Stress can be very harmful to our bodies. Therefore, engaging in stress-reducing activities is very beneficial. Practicing the martial arts and/or yoga can lead one to an overall state of calm not found in many other physical activities.