purrfectpawtraits.co.uk - Pet Photography | Swindon | Purrfect Pawtraits

Description: John Whitmore ASWPP Purrfect Pawtraits Pet Photography SWPP Creative Photographer of the Year 2021 We photograph pets! Our pets are our companions, and an integral part of the family. They bring a special  joy to our lives but sadly they're only with us for a realtively short time. As pet owners ourselves, | Purrfect Pawtraits Pet Photography

pet portraits (594) pet photography swindon (1)

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Our pets are our companions, and an integral part of the family. They bring  a special  joy to our lives but sadly they’re only with us for a very time.

As pet owners ourselves, it’s lovely to be able to capture their unique personalities.

Creative portraiture is an investment that will continue to make you smile for many years. Our portraits are available as WAll Art, which can be designed to co-ordinate with the décor of your home and become  the most personal piece of artwork you will ever own.