puremvc.net - The PureMVC framework

Description: Stable and feature-frozen since 2008, PureMVC has been ported to most major development platforms.

model-view-controller mvc puremvc framework actionscript c++ c# (2)

Example domain paragraphs

While the "release early, release often" development philosophy can help a team learn what their product should do, if that product is a framework, adopters often tire of trying to hit a moving target. With PureMVC, we nailed down the scope early on, fixed the bugs, and let it be.

Many so-called Model-View-Controller frameworks today seem to include everything but the kitchen sink. We decided that basic separation of responsibilities according to the MVC meta-pattern could be expressed with a handful of actors. We gave them a built-in means to communicate with each other which reinforces the classic MVC collaboration patterns, and did so with the simplest possible language features. That's why it's been ported to so many languages from the original ActionScript. It just works, with n

The Model is both a class and a region of the application. It manages Proxies, which deal with different parts of the application's data. Proxies can notify the View and Controller.