- PTSD - Accepting, Coping, Thriving

Description: PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, is a way of life for me and many others.  The war zone I grew up in was called, "Home and Neighborhood."  I am writing for anyone interested in PTSD, mostly for those that there is no before PTSD.  Learning to live with, manage, and thrive with PTSD is my…

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Years have passed since I started this blog.  I am adding CPTSD to the PTSD information.  At the time of my diagnosis Complex PTSD was not differentiated from regular PTSD.  If you want to know which post tell about CPTSD use that as your search on my page and it will bring up the post I designated specifically for CPTSD.  Life is tough, we are tougher.  I like the quote I saw on Facebook, “I have survived 100% of my bad days.” 

Disclaimer: I am not a psychologist, psychiatrist or any other …ist.  I am one woman living with PTSD since before I was 5 years old.  Nothing on my website is intended to diagnose, prescribe, or otherwise dictate to anyone else how they should live.  Everything I share I read about and/or tried with varying degrees of success.  Throughout these pages I recommend getting professional counseling.  I am not a professional.  I care and I thrive.  I hope that each person reading will take responsibility for the

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