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Description: Psychologue FSP, j’aide les enfants, adolescents et familles face aux difficultés qu’ils rencontrent : bilan de situation, conseil, accompagnement, coaching.

education (19799) development (16093) children (9703) counseling (6397) psychology (2661) child (2374) psychologist (2133) fribourg (473) orientation (294) teenager (266)

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Current situation: Coronavirus information (Covid-19) The psychology pratice is open. To prevent coronavirus, various measures have been put in place, including the use of a climate protection device that filters aerosols from the room air, including carriers of the Corona virus (details see here ).

I help children, young people and families on their way to personal, school and social issues. Especially in the area of learning difficulties, social problems or behavior, I can help to clarify the causes and the meaning, to identify solutions and to release resources in order to achieve jointly developed goals. Another area of my activities includes counseling on school and career orientation.

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