- Peter Stravlo's Blog – Peter's Fiction and Essays

Description: Peter's Fiction and Essays

Example domain paragraphs

A cell tower sits bored against the low sun’s chill Cowbells clang like toddlers learning to play the xylophone See his blue coat against the dark plaster wall Before the longing pattern of light and shadow like live leather Reminding him tonight is a glass, maybe two, of plum brandy Rush hour before the Sabbath, watch where you step

(Scroll down to see Dinner and Road to the Truffle Restaurant )

Please attend the Opening of Beyond the Iron Curtain , paintings by Peggy McGivern and verse by Peter Stravlo, with music based on eastern European folk tunes by Mark Dudrow and Chipper Thompson. March 20th, 5-8pm, at Abend Gallery, Colfax and York, Denver CO