- PSTAR Exam App approved by Transport Canada with sample test questions, practice quiz, guide, questions in French, English -

Description: The PSTAR exam app in English, French, with unlimited practice quizzes and all sample questions used in the real Transport Canada PSTAR test study guide.

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This is a must have app for every Student Pilot in Canada. Use your time more efficiently and study for your PSTAR exam on the go and pass with ease. Spend less time studying and more time flying!

The app allows you to go through each PSTAR section separately and answer question by question. You will be able to see the correct answer right away and don´t have to wait until the end to see the final score. We think that way you will learn much quicker. Once you feel competent you can start trying some of the exams. When you score consistently more than 90% you should be well prepared for the real exam!

Before a student pilot in Canada can go for his/her first solo flight, the Transport Canada PSTAR (Pre-Solo Test about Air Regulations) exam and the Radio and Aviation Language exams have to be completed. This app has all 192 PSTAR questions in the database which are taken from the official Transport Canada Study Guide, TP11919. The PSTAR app, which is authorized by Transport Canada, will be updated on a regular basis to ensure the most current questions. We are pilots too so we like to stay current ourselv