- psconfig

Description: psconfig -cmd upgrade -inplace b2b -wait -cmd applicationcontent -install -cmd installfeatures -cmd secureresources   Scott Hoag

template (6516) microsoft (3766) azure (1308) visualization (970) arm (409)

Example domain paragraphs

There are a few ways to visualize ARM Templates, with one of the most prevalent examples being - if only because its linked from every “QuickStart” example that Microsoft offers in the Azure Resource Manager QuickStart Templates repository .

Being able to share visualizations with others in a browser is nice, but its more relevant and powerful if you can visualize your templates locally as you author them. Personally, I’m a big fan of VS Code due to its extensible nature with extensions from both Microsoft and the community available in the Visual Studio Marketplace.

There are several extensions available, including the ARM Template Visualizer by ytechie which is a wrapper for ARMVIZ and embeds it locally in an iFrame in VS Code.

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