- Proviso Probe

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In the most recent school year Proviso Township High Schools (District 209) had the lowest percent of students that meet or exceed standards on standardized tests in the state of Illinois. Results were obtained from the Illinois Interactive Report Card sponsored by Northern Illinois University. Proviso scores went down absolutely (less students meet or exceed standards) and relative to other districts. Last year Proviso could at least claim to have more students meeting standards than Bloom . District 209 h

posted by Carl Nyberg at 9:11 PM | 7 comments

A friend suggested I sell Proviso Probe, or at least discover what people are offering. I could sell it to a buyer who would resume publishing. Or I could sell it to one or more buyers who would take the content offline. Or I could sell it to a buyer who removes some content, but leaves the rest. (There is some content that has been temporarily hidden that could be brought back too.) If you are interested in making an offer, email me, RadioNyberg circled "a" Yah00 spot c0m. Labels: admin