- Proud Vigilantes | Fight Voter Fraud

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Our battle against voter fraud has reached a pivotal moment. On May 1, 2024, as our case against the Bridgeport Ballot Stuffers is brought to the Connecticut Supreme Court, we march to the Connecticut Capitol to ensure every fraudulent vote is exposed and accounted for. This is our chance to make history, and we won’t let it slip away.

In the fight against voter fraud, we’ve faced challenges at every turn, and now hostility from the  Connecticut Attorney General, who has characterized our work as “vigilantism.”  But we refused to back down. Vigilance is our duty — and if that makes us “vigilantes,” we wear that title with pride.

Mark your calendars for May 1, 2024, as we gather outside the Connecticut Capitol Building for the “We The People” Rally. It’s time for every patriot who legally casts their vote to stand up, be counted, and let their voice be heard. Will you be there?

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