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Example domain paragraphs

Carleton Clothing is made for the Long Island Waterman in all of us. The Fisherman, Sailor, Clammer, Swimmer, Diver, Surfer, Paddle Boarder. It is for the people who are drawn to the sea. For every person who respects and enjoys the water around our Island ( and around the world ).

Is it CarlEton or Carl Eton? CarlEton is one word. The \"E\" was capitalized because my last name, Carleton, is often misspelled.

What does the LI Fish bone logo mean? There is a term often used in Hawaii called a Waterman. The definition of a Waterman is someone skilled in all aspects of the water (swimming, surfing, fishing, boating). The LI Fishbone is my symbol for a Long Island Waterman. It is for people who respect and enjoy all parts of the water.