- PerformanceCare+

mold (896) mildew (55) odor eliminator (30)

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Forespar's new Tea Tree Power ®  mold mildew & odor eliminator is a natural air cleaner formulated especially for marine use. Blended using 100% Australian Tea Tree Oil, it maintains healthy air quality and leaves a subtle, naturally clean scent throughout the boat.

"The best odor fighter I have ever tried in 40+ years of sailing" Jaime I. - San Juan, Puerto Rico

Non-toxic and bio-degradable, Tea Tree Power ®  uses pure natural oil distilled from the Australian Tea Tree to give it exceptional antiseptic and antimicrobial properties. More than a cover-up fragrance, Tea Tree Power ®  actually attacks and degrades airborne spores and penetrates porous boat surfaces to eliminate the odor source. It is also an effective mold cleaner and mildew cleaner strong enough to tackle the damp marine environment.