- C# Introduction - ProgramIdea

Description: C# Introduction,Array,If Else Switch,Operators,Loops,Constructor,Indexers,Delegates,Collections,Generic Collections,Custom Collections,Abstract,Interface,Enums,Nullable,Garbage Collector,Extention Methods,Optional & Named Parameters,Exception Handling, base keyword, this keyword,ew keywods,Virtual,Assemblies,Cookies,dll signing, C#, .NET, program idea, programidea,

collections (802) array (556) loops (136) operators (134) constructor (105) indexers (15) delegates (12) c# introduction if else switch generic collections

Example domain paragraphs

C# is powerful object-oriented and type-safe programming language. C# pronounced as "C Sharp" that developed by Microsoft. In January 1999, Mr. Anders Hejlsberg builds a team to develop a new language that is called as COOL on that time, which stood as C-Like Object Oriented Language. Finally in July 2000 at Professional Developer Conference, Microsoft announced the language renamed as C#. That was inspired by the musical notation "sharp".

C# is similar to C++, Java and VB. Like C++, operator overloading, enumeration, pre-processor directives, pointers, function pointer (delegates). Like VB, its supports the concepts of properties. Like Java, C# does not allow multiple inheritances. But also, C# comes up with some new features such as reflections, attributes, remoting, thread, streams, Linq, dynamic and many more.

The identifier is representing a unique user defined name for variable, class, function, event or interface.