- Probate Sales Office

Description: A trusted professional service selling property for executors, court of protection deputies and powers of attorney. We prevent fraud, provide better service and give 10% of our fee to charity. We sell homes and land in the South of England

best price (367) probate sales (15) trusted service (10) give to charity (3) executor sales (1) donate to hospices (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Better Service As specialists we understand each Executor’s duty to get the best outcome for The Estate. After the sale we even provide a free report so the Executor’s decisions can be clearly understood.

Stop fraudulent sales Unscrupulous buyers may bribe agents to get a bargain. Not from us, we know how to prevent this sort of fraud to make sure the best price is achieved for homes and land.

Support Charity As evidence of our credentials, we put our money where our mouth is and give 10% of our sales fee to charity. 5% to the nearest Hospice and 5% to the client’s chosen charity.