- Stu Soffer's Prior Art Reporter | Non-Patent Prior Art: Insights, Cases and Resources

Description: Non-Patent Prior Art: Insights, Cases and Resources

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Friends come over for dinner last night, one bringing a Trader Joe’s bag of old books.  I’m trying to unload stuff, but he brings a bag of prior art instead of a bottle of champagne. Not a cause for celebration (other than the Wisconsin win).  Then I had a peek inside the bag.  Hmmm…Good dates.  So here’s the dilemma: keep it, or hold it with the risk that next week someone will call for exactly on of these books.  Have a look:

A fellow vintage movie camera collector pointed out the Chapman University – Frank Mt. Pleasant Library of Special Collections and Archives – Jonathan Silent Film Collection which contains about 1000 photos relating to the 16MM film cameras (and a 3mm film camera). Many photos relate to Eric Berndt – camera engineer in California and NYC. He was also co-founder of the Berndt-Bach company producing the Auricon family of single-system sound cameras.

I’ve mentioned the dark opportunities of estate sales as a potential resource of non-patent prior art – especially around here in Silicon valley and other long-term tech outposts the Boston’s Route 128.  I’ve actually found two estate sales (one around the corner, another nearby) that had Ampex tape decks.